View Content #1825

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TitleCall for Papers: MEXTESOL Journal

SPECIAL ISSUE: On-Line Teaching and Learning
Guest Editor: JoAnn Miller (

The Spring 2005 Special Issue of the MEXTESOL Journal is dedicated to
teaching and learning EFL/ESL on-line. The objective of this Special Issue is
to share ideas and experiences of this area and explore current trends.
Experiences within Mexico and outside of Mexico are welcomed.

Only a few of the possible topics for this issue include: techniques for
teaching/ learning on-line or for developing supporting activities using the
Internet, technological issues, reports of on-line teaching experiences,
reflection, on-line mentoring, innovative uses of the Internet, e-mail, etc.

The prospective authors are invited to submit any of the following types of
* Research and theoretical issues (refereed)
* Practical issues (non-refereed)
* Book or product reviews
* Opinions or perspectives

Interested authors are required to use the Journal’s Manuscript Guidelines:
double-spaced, Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (A.P.A.), and specification of whether the submitted manuscript is
to be refereed or non-refereed. Authors may write in Spanish or English.
Please send the manuscript as an attachment to the Guest Editor, JoAnn
Miller (,

The deadline date for submissions is Oct. 30, 2004.

Miller, J. (12 Jun. 2004). Call for papers. Neteach-L listserv. NETEACH-
SourceMexican Association of Teachers of English
Inputdate2004-07-22 23:14:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-07-22 23:14:00
ExpdateNot set
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