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TitleCall for Papers: International Conference on Didactics of Arabic: Assessment and Horizons


International Conference on Didactics of Arabic: Assessment and Horizons
30-Oct-2014 - 31-Oct-2014
Montreal/Quebec, Canada

Call for Papers:
Thematic axes to deal with: These are the main focal areas we give on an indicative basis.

1. Didactic Axis:
- Teaching of Arabic in professional contexts: how to meet the new requirements in business, media and public administration areas
- Review of audio-visual media in learning Arabic: difficulties of their use in class
- Evaluation of the six-level learning division proposed by the CEFR (and its adjustment to Canadian universities)
- Review of the existing methods and textbooks available in French and English ''markets''

2. Linguistic Axis:
- Teaching of Arabic language and linguistic transformations (morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic) facing the modern Arabic
- The place of grammar between the evolution of syntactical structures in the media and the rigidity of rules and standards that are taught
- The place of vocabulary, the choice of words, viewing angle, etymology, recurrence, morphology...
- Description of the non-Arabic-speaking public: children, adults, dialect-speaking, of Arabic origin or not, professionals, students...

3. Socio-political and Cultural Axis:
- The political issues that underlie the choice of language registers, diglossia, themes, sociocultural elements...
- The place of performative and communicative acts in the spheres of modern life
- The content of sociocultural skills, worldview, historical aspects, features of civilization and ''interculturality''

Communications can be in French, English or Arabic. They will last for 20 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes of questions.

Deadline of the propositions reception: Sunday, July 6, 2014

View the full call for papers at

Inputdate2014-06-08 21:01:40
Lastmodifieddate2014-06-09 10:33:07
Expdate2014-07-06 00:00:00
Publishdate2014-06-09 02:15:02
Displaydate2014-06-09 00:00:00