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"Partnering Indians and Non-Indians for Change"
August 12-13, 2004
Colonial Red Lion Hotel
Helena, Montana 59601

Who We Are
We are a partnership of the Montana University System, state agencies,
businesses, and non-profit organizations working toward building and
strengthening Montana's race relations.

Conference Goals
We will discuss ways to better understand and overcome race differences
related to educational equality, economic development and justice. Included
will be discussions on students' and veterans' rights and political
empowerment. Enriched skills and increased knowledge will be attained to
aid in community planning, human resource management, education,
communication and conflict resolution because of race-related issues in our
state. Through this conference, we hope to create an environment in which
an open, cross-cultural dialogue can occur, with a focus on unique issues in

Keynote Speakers
- Tim Coulter - Indian Law Resource Center - "The Development of New
International Human Rights Law Standards Concerning Indigenous Peoples"

- Dr. Walter Fleming - Montana State University Bozeman - "Ten Things I
Learned About Indians While Looking Up Something Else"

- Dr. David DeHorse - The University of Wisconsin Law School - "A House
Divided: The 1992 Native Veterans' Home Loan and the Federal Trust

- Dave Anderson - US Department of Interior (Invited)

- Chance Rush - Cloudboy Consulting

Who Should Attend
State agency program personnel, tribal government personnel, university
system personnel, students, indigenous people, and other interested citizens
who want to promote understanding and improved communication between
Indians and non-Indians in Montana should attend.

Through the Office of Public Instruction, the Montana American Indian Drop-
Out Prevention Project will be sponsoring a youth strand to include speakers
and interactive discussion groups. Presenters for this portion of the Race
Conference will provide youth with information to encourage high school and
college completion.

Please call 406-443-2100 or 1-800-RED-LION to make reservations and
reference the Montana Conference on Race by July 9, 2004.

Call for Further Presentations
We invite you to submit a proposal to make an individual/group presentation
on topics related to the conference. Please call (406) 444-0339 or (406) 444-
0332 for more information or see the presentation proposal for further

The Montana Conference on Race 2004 website is:
SourceMontana Tribal Council
Inputdate2004-07-02 00:42:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-07-02 00:42:00
ExpdateNot set
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set