View Content #17547

Content Type4
TitleBuying Food at the Market

This activity is designed to introduce learners to the key structures needed for buying food at the market.

Outcome:  Learners will be able to understand critical structures and determine who is talking based on the structure and verb. This is intended as an input activity. It would then lead to a series of production tasks in which they produce the structures necessary to complete the target function.

Resources:  Shopping at the Market Input Sheet


  1. Begin by having learners brainstorm the people with whom they will need to talk with at the store and critical functions for buying food. For example, this would be the vendor or clerk and possibly another agent when paying for the food.  Sample functions include: greetings (already known); requests for amounts, items or prices; comments on quality.
  2. Function: Have learners sort critical phrases by function and then identify the tense and perspective.
  3. Sequence: Have learners place the critical functions in order to create a logical conversation in which they buy certain foods.
SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2014-04-05 21:06:49
Lastmodifieddate2014-04-07 12:16:52
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2014-04-07 02:15:01
Displaydate2014-04-07 00:00:00