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TitleVergilian Society Summer Tours 2014-2015


Here are some opportunities to learn about ancient Greece and Rome, in Greece and Italy:

Alexander and Aeneas in Northern Greece
July 14-26, 2014
We begin our odyssey in Athens with a visit to the new Acropolis Museum, the Acropolis, and the Agora. From Athens our journey takes us northward with stops at Thermopylae and Tempe, important sites for the Persian Wars. In Northern Greece, the home of Alexander the Great, we visit his birthplace, Pella, and the burial place of his father, Vergina. We travel to Meteora and on over the mountains of Greece to Epirus, home of Alexander’s mother and where Aeneas stopped; here we visit the oracles of Zeus at Dodona and of the Dead, the Nekromanteion. Next, we cross over to the island of Corfu. We cross over to Albania to drive to the ancient site of Buthrotum, where Aeneas came in his wanderings. On our return to the mainland we drive to Delphi, stopping at Actium, where Octavius’ forces defeated those of Antony and Cleopatra. No trip in this area would be complete without a visit to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. Afterward, we return to Athens.

Greeks and Romans in Town and Country, under the Shadow of Vesuvius
June 30 – July 12, 2014
Whether it’s the nitty-gritty level of plebeians shopping and electioneering in the local streets; the splendor of suburban and countryside villas enjoyed by top-level Roman aristocrats, like the palatial digs of Emperor Tiberius at Capri and Sperlonga; monumental temple complexes like those of Cumae or Paestum, and Capua’s underground cult-cavern of the Persian god Mithras; the magnificent shopping mall at Pozzuoli and colossal amphitheater arenas of Pompeii, Pozzuoli, and Capua; or, finally, the vineyards of Boscoreale and the quiet sheep and cattle paths near distant Saepinum in the mountains: All these put on vivid display the ingenuity with which Greeks and Romans (and their lesser known Etruscan, Samnite, and Lucanian neighbors) faced the pressures and pleasures of daily life.

The Italy of Caesar and Vergil: A Workshop for Teachers
July 22-August 2, 2014
This workshop for high school Latin teachers will combine classroom sessions in successful pedagogical practices with thematically relevant site visits that illuminate the lives and works of Caesar and Vergil. Morning study sessions will provide ideas and skills to enrich both beginning and advanced courses, and, although the focus will be on the readings and abilities required by the Advanced Placement syllabus, teachers of IB and Concurrent Enrollment courses will find much of value as well. Afternoon site and museum visits will contextualize the writings of these authors, elucidating the common themes of Caesar’s commentarii and Vergil’s Aeneid. Through thoughtfully constructed lectures and readings from ancient writers, teachers will acquire interpretive insights and instructional strategies for teaching these essential authors. Sites include: Rome (Forum, Palatine, Campus Martius), Temple of Apollo and Atrium of the Sibyl at Cumae, Lake Avernus, Tomb of Vergil, Sperlonga, Pompeii, Lavinium, and Herculaneum.

Rome and Northern Italy in the Imperial Age
July 2–13, 2014
We will spend five days in Rome and its environs. We will spend three days in central Rome and see all the wondrous ruins. On the fourth day we will walk down the Appian Way and enjoy a picnic lunch; we will end our day at the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian. We will then spend a full day at Ostia, the 10,000-acre archaeological site of the ancient harbor of Rome. Our final day will be a trip to Tivoli, with the magnificent gardens and Villa of Hadrian. The next day we will depart for the small Tuscan town of Castiglion Fiorentino, which will be our point of departure for visiting Etruscan and Roman remains in Tuscany. We will visit the towns of Arezzo, Assisi, Lucca, and Pisa, and finish with a tour of Roman Florence and the nearby excavations of Fiesole.

Graduate Course Credit & Continuing Education Units are available for all tours.

For more details go to

SourceVergilian Society
Inputdate2014-02-06 21:31:16
Lastmodifieddate2014-02-10 03:06:58
Expdate2014-09-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2014-02-10 02:15:01
Displaydate2014-02-10 00:00:00