View Content #1720

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TitleArticle: (Student) Motivation: Where does it come from? Where does it go?
Andrew Littlejohn has a lot to say on why we teachers are often boxed into
becoming mere entertainers.

Have a look at his always refreshing article on motivation at:

In a nutshell, Littlejohn holds that if students have no personal stake in
learning, if the material does not respond to their interest, if they are seen as
empty receptors to be filled with information, then the teacher has little choice
than to become an entertainer.

On the other hand, if the course designer and teacher recognize that students
know a lot about language and about themselves, and the materials are
interesting in and of themselves, then students can construct their own
meanings, in English, and are to some degree self-motivated.

Siders, N. (14 Jun. 2004). Teaching English for No Obvious Reason.
Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-
L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (17 Jun. 2004).
SourceAndrew Littlejohn
Inputdate2004-06-18 01:31:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-06-18 01:31:00
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