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A key piece of using goal setting in the classroom is reflection after learners complete a stage. Checkpoints can occur at the end of a task, a unit, a semester, or any other measurable unit. This week, we provide a resource sheet for brief, in-class reflection related to the goals language learners set.

Objective:       To reflect on goal completion into order to adjust goals and self-assess progress

Resources:      Reflection Guide [click to download PDF]


1. Guide learners to the NCSSFL-ACTFL Global CanDo Benchmarks, using any previous goal setting activities as a starting point for their reflection.

2. After learners complete a task or unit, ask them to revisit their goals to determine their progress using the reflection sheet.

3. If a dossier system is in place, have learners select evidence of their progress to place in their portfolio. For resources on using a self-assessment portfolio, including guidelines on selecting evidence, see the LinguaFolio Online Network

Inputdate2014-01-18 19:08:30
Lastmodifieddate2014-01-20 03:08:19
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2014-01-20 02:15:01
Displaydate2014-01-20 00:00:00