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TitleOnline journal: NW Education, focus on Native Students
Native Students: Balancing Two Worlds
Spring 2004, Volume 9 Number 3

ARTICLES In This Issue

Native Education: Bitter Past, Hopeful Future
Educators look for ways to redress a painful legacy.

Healing Wounds
Programs in Montana, Alaska, and Washington battle the problem of high
dropout rates.

In the Language of Our Ancestors
The race is on to preserve endangered tribal languages.

Charter School Keeps Native Language Alive
An indomitable teacher immerses students in words of the tundra.

Seeking Native Teachers
Universities offer financial and emotional support to grow the ranks of
indigenous instructors.

Nets & Paddles
Fish and canoes carry meaningful lessons in Alaska and Washington.

Salmon Camp Spawns Career Options
Out-of-school programs hook youngsters into natural resource professions.

Creating a Culture of Readers
In Idaho and Washington, educators take two approaches to boost reading.

In Their Element
Urban Indian youth find a sense of belonging in Portland, Oregon.

Urban Exposure
Rural students travel to the city for educational experiences they can't get at
SourceNorthwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Inputdate2004-06-09 16:13:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-06-09 16:13:00
ExpdateNot set
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