View Content #1659

Content Type1
TitleOnline resources for immersion programs
The Spring issue of the ACIE newsletter has been distributed to all individual
and institutional ACIE members. The issue included the following articles:

* Best Practices: Reading Support for Primary Immersion Students
* Points for Parents: Dyslexia in the Classroom
* Research Reports: Underachieving Students and the Child Study Team:
Determining Eligibility for Special Education Services and Vancouver School
Board Support Document: Possible Factors Influencing Student Performance
in French Immersion
* Techno Tips: Creating Independent Learners of Japanese via the Internet
* The Bridge from Research to Practice: Strategies for Helping
Underperforming Immersion Learners Succeed

In order to receive a full copy of the newsletter, one must become a meber of
ACIE. ACIE membership information is available at:
Several articles are located in an online archive:

The latest articles posted to the archive are from Sping 2003:
- Implementing Two-Way Immersion Programs in Secondary Schools
- Organizational Pointers for Secondary Immersion Parents
- Continuing Spanish Immersion at Lawrence North High School
- High School Immersion in the United States: A Research Study
SourceAmerican Council for Immersion Education
Inputdate2004-05-31 14:40:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-05-31 14:40:00
ExpdateNot set
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set