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TitleNovels for ESL classes
One of our instructors is experimenting with by Louis Sachar, a
novel pitched at the 9 to 12 age group. She is using it in the second half of a
16 week low-intermediate class. The engaging story is about a boy trying to
deal with his family tradition of very bad luck. He gets sentenced to a "camp"
for juvenile delinquents where the boys are forced to dig holes in the desert.
The story line cuts back and forth between past and present as Stanley works
off the family curse. The film features Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Tim
Blake Nelson, and Henry Winkler as some of the adults.

One of the things I especially like about using the book is that it has a good
where students can go to see pictures of the characters and the setting so that
they have a visual image of the action as they read the book. The website
also includes lesson plans for educators. They are pitched at 4th - 6th grade
classes and look pretty lame for adults. Some of the book's themes -- poverty
and racial injustice -- are far from lame, and the vocabulary presented is a
good stretch for students as they prepare to move up to the next class level.

Snoke, J. (14 Apr. 2004). Novels for ESL Classes. Teachers of English to
speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
(20 May 2004).

I had great success teaching Girl With A Pearl Earring to an intermediate-level
ESL reading class a couple of years ago. Paintings by Vermeer are woven
into the story, so it is possible to have students do close readings of sections
that describe the paintings and then find each painting (laminated copies of
the relevant paintings and posted them throughout the room). Students also
made a camera obscura - directions are on the web - and e-mailed questions
to the author, who was quite good about responding. They really enjoyed all
of these activities.

Manning, J. (15 Apr. 2004). Re: Novels for ESL Classes. Teachers of English
to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
(20 May 2004).
SourceTESL-L listserv
Inputdate2004-05-20 20:21:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-05-20 20:21:00
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