View Content #15698

Content Type1
TitleCompetition: Visualizing the Classics

Anvil Academic and Dickinson College Commentaries announce the availability of a $1,000 prize for the best scholarly visualization of data in the field of classical studies submitted during 2013. Two runners-up will be awarded prizes of $500 each. Submissions must include:

one or more visual representations of data that involves some linguistic component (Latin, Greek, or another ancient language of the Greco-Roman worlds), but may also include physical, geospatial, temporal, or other data;
a research question and narrative argument that describes the conclusions drawn from the data and the visualization; and
the source data itself.

Submissions in any and all sub-fields of classical studies, including pedagogical approaches, are welcome from any individual or team.

Deadline for submission: December 31, 2013

For full details go to
SourceAPA Blog
Inputdate2013-02-24 07:39:19
Lastmodifieddate2013-02-24 07:39:19
Expdate2013-12-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2013-02-25 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set