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TitleStudents Test Chinese Distance Learning Class at Lebanon High School

Students test Chinese program at LHS
by Matt DeBow
February 13, 2013

“How do you say that again in Chinese?” asked Rainy-Leigh Hiatt, 16, speaking with a University of Oregon graduate student while at Lebanon High School.

Hiatt, who is enrolled in the new Chinese distance-learning class, practiced her pronunciation with the UO student across campuses.

Other students worked through the Chinese curriculum on computers lined against the wall of the classroom.

The Chinese class is offered through a program with the UO Center for Applied Second Language Studies.

Kevin Wong, usually the choir director at LHS, wandered the room checking on students to help with technical issues and set up video chats.

“I’m not actually their teacher,” Wong explained.

The actual teacher is Vicki Yang at Beaverton High School. She emails students’ homework, provides assignments, gives feedback and assigns grades.

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SourceLebanon Express
Inputdate2013-02-14 02:25:03
Lastmodifieddate2013-02-14 02:25:03
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Publishdate2013-02-18 00:00:00
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