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TitleCalifornia Language Teachers’ Association Grants for Summer Study Abroad

California Language Teachers’ Association Grants

It’s easier than you think! Each year two world language organizations offer teachers in California grants for summer study abroad. These grants usually include registration, tuition, fees, and most include room and board. Although transportation is not included, CLTA offers the possibility of a Langabroad to help defray costs of travel.

Spanish Embassy Grant to study in Spain
French Government Grant to study in France
Quebec Grant to study in Quebec
Goethe Institut Grant to study in Germany (for summer of 2014)
Japan Foundation Grant to study in Japan (deadline is January 10, 2013.)
Italian Government Grant to study in Italy
Memorial Scholarship for travel/study custom designed by the applicant
Sydney Gorman Scholarship for teachers who are in the first four years of teaching to attend CLTA Conference or other CLTA professional development activity.
LangAbroad Grant for travel expenses associated with study abroad. You may apply for this grant by itself or to accompany the other grants.

Application deadline January 15, 2013
For more information and application forms go to
Inputdate2012-12-01 04:12:02
Lastmodifieddate2012-12-01 04:12:02
Expdate2013-01-15 00:00:00
Publishdate2012-12-03 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set