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TitleCall for Proposals: 2005 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, DEADLINE April 15, 2004
From: Barbara S. Andrews, President-Elect, Ohio Foreign Language
Association on FLTEACH. Email address:

This year's Ohio Foreign Language Conference was very successful and our
workshops well-attended, especially Susie Gross's TPRS workshop on

We'd like to see the same thing happen next year, when our conference
becomes a joint conference with the Central States Conference.

That's why we need YOU to send in a proposal NOW! The deadline is April
15, so there's no time to dawdle! If you would like to share some aspect of
your teaching with others, and if you would like to attend next year's
conference (March 10-12, 2005), why not submit a proposal to present it to
colleagues from 17 states?

Presenters are given the opportunity to submit articles for the CSC Report,
which is a bound volume distributed to all attendees.

Next year's theme is "The Year of Languages." We especially love TPRS in
Ohio, so if you would like to present some aspect of TPRS that has been
highly successful for you--music, reading, classroom management, pop-up
grammar, etc.--please submit a proposal and share your ideas with us.

And while you're here, plan to take advantage of some of our
entertainment offerings. We're planning some exciting trips to
Columbus restaurants and entertainment venues.

Proposals can be made online at
SourceCentral States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Inputdate2004-04-08 16:11:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-04-08 16:11:00
Expdate2004-04-16 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
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