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TitleCARLA Update National Email Newsletter: Winter 2004 - Plus CARLA's New Webaddress
From: "CARLA"

The CARLA Update
News about Second Language Education and Research Activities
at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Winter 2004

The Center for Advanced Research on Language
Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of
Minnesota is one of several Title VI Language
Resource Centers funded by the U.S. Department of
Education to improve the nation's capacity to
teach and learn foreign languages effectively.
CARLA supports a number of coordinated programs
of research, training, development and
dissemination of information relating to second
language teaching and learning.

The CARLA Update is an electronic newsletter
designed to give second language teachers and
researchers current information on the programs
and projects currently operating under the
auspices of CARLA. You are also invited to visit
the CARLA website at <>.
For more information about all the Title VI
Language Resource Centers, visit our joint site
at <>.

If you prefer, you can read the CARLA Update
electronic newsletter on our new website at:

In this issue, you will find information about
the following CARLA research and action


* New Website for CARLA
* Winners of the LCTL mini-grant competition
* CARLA summer institute registration in full swing

Project Updates:

* Assessment: Virtual Assessment Center

CARLA Publications:

* American Council on Immersion Education Newsletter: Winter 2004 Issue

Conferences Coming Up:

* Presentations at TESOL, NCOLCTL and AAAL


New Website for CARLA!

Check out CARLA's new website at: We've added many new
features to make navigating the site easier and
we've updated a lot of our content. The website
will always be evolving as projects come to
fruition and we will continue to share resources
that have been developed through CARLA in the
past. We hope that you will explore this new site
and send us your feedback. And most importantly,
please bookmark those sections that are
particularly relevant to your work!

Inputdate2004-03-05 12:06:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-03-05 12:06:00
ExpdateNot set
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