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TitleFree Online Access Africa Yearbook - Until 1 August
BodyAt the home page of the website of the African Studies Centre Leiden ( ) you see an icon about the Africa Yearbook. This is an annual publication of Brill Publishers, and a co-production of the African Studies Centre in Leiden with other European colleagues. It gives you a detailed overview of new developments in each of the African countries and per African macro region. Recently the sixth edition has been published. Until August 1st Brill allows us (and you) to have free online access to all that wealth of information. Please have a look and download what you like; and please share it with your contacts!

Ton Dietz
Director African Studies Centre Leiden

Dietz, T. WEB: Free online access Africa Yearbook - until 1 August. H-AFRICA listserv (H-AFRICA@H-NET.MSU.EDU, 23 Jul 2011).
Inputdate2011-07-24 02:50:10
Lastmodifieddate2011-07-24 02:50:10
Expdate2011-08-01 00:00:00
Publishdate2011-07-25 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set