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TitleTop Chinese Dictionary Releases New Version To Reflect Social Change

Top Chinese dictionary releases new version to reflect social change
by Xinhua writers Li Huizi and Yang Hui
July 9, 2011

A new edition of the most authoritative Chinese language dictionary, "Xinhua Dictionary," or "New China Dictionary," has been published to include Internet words and reflect such concepts as animal conservation, cross-Strait exchanges and caring for people's livelihoods.

This is the 11th edition of the prestigious reference book, which has had a far-reaching influence in learning the Chinese language.

The latest edition, unveiled Monday after eight years of compilation, "unprecedentedly" increased its content by about one third, "highlighting social changes over the past decade," he said.

It includes new words emerging during the past few years such as "Xueli Men," or "diploma gate," referring to a scandal of using counterfeit academic degrees to gain jobs or official positions.

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Inputdate2011-07-17 10:23:39
Lastmodifieddate2011-07-17 10:23:39
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Publishdate2011-07-18 00:00:00
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