View Content #1295

Content Type1
TitleCulturally Responsive Teaching for Indigenous Students and More
From: Regional Educational Laboratory

Five digests produced by ERIC in December 2003 and focused on culturally diverse populations of students have been released by the Regional Educational Laboratory at AEL.

* American Indian and Alaska Native Early Childhood Health, Development, and Education Assessment Research, by Patricia Cahape Hammer and William G. Demmert, Jr., reviews research from 1980s to today on education assessment, health and other issues related to American Indian and Alaska Native children.

* Building A Native Teaching Force: Important Considerations, by Kathryn D. Manuelito, discusses challenges to native teacher preparation, and preliminary findings from a three-year study being conducted on native teacher preparation -- the Native Educators Research Project, Center for Indian Education, Arizona State University.

* Culturally Responsive Teaching for American Indian Students, by Cornel Pewewardy & Patricia Cahape Hammer, summarizes research on American Indian and Alaska Native education within the context of a five-part conceptual framework developed for multicultural education.

* How Schools Can Help Heal American Indian and Alaska Native Communities, by Four Arrows (Don Trent Jacobs), describes the following four goals for schools: teaching dispositions and skills, respecting children and offering a spiritually enriching curriculum, using schools as venues for adults in the community to engage with children, and global sharing.

* The Use of Academic Achievement Tests and Measurements with American Indian and Alaska Native Students, by John W. Tippeconnic III, discusses American Indian and Alaska Native student test performance, use of test results, testing issues that need to be addressed, and recommended strategies for improving student test scores.

The Regional Educational Laboratory at AEL supports developing school capacity, improving teaching quality, promoting school-community connections, and providing policy-relevant information services.

For information about all ten Regional Educational Laboratories, please visit the REL Network on the Web:

To read these articles, visit: (To find the articles, you have to search the site with the author's last name entered in the search engine)
SourceRegional Educational Laboratory at AEL
Inputdate2004-02-27 13:04:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-02-27 13:04:00
ExpdateNot set
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