View Content #12898

Content Type1
TitleRussian Language Proficiency Certification Workshop
BodyThe Duke Slavic and Eurasian Language Resource Center will sponsor a Russian proficiency testing certification workshop during the last week in July (July 24-31). At this workshop, Russian language instructors will be trained and certified as Russian language proficiency testers by a TRKI [тестирование русского как иностранного] examiner. TRKI is the Russian Federation language proficiency testing system for five areas of linguistic competence (aural comprehension, reading, writing, speaking, and grammar/lexicon) developed and administered by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. At previous workshops, faculty from Indiana University, University of Arizona, University of North Carolina, the University of Wisconsin, Duke, and other universities have completed the certification process and became qualified to conduct TRKI proficiency testing at all levels.

Participating Russian language instructors will be responsible for their transportation and accommodations, but there are no registration or other similar fees for participating in the workshop.

Interested Russian language instructions should contact Michael Newcity at mnewcity at duke dot edu for further information.

Newcity, M. [SEELANGS] Russian language proficiency certification workshop. SEELANGS listserv (, 6 Jun 2011).
Inputdate2011-06-11 12:16:59
Lastmodifieddate2011-06-11 12:16:59
Expdate2011-07-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2011-06-13 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set