View Content #12886

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TitleEUROCALL 2011

The University of Nottingham is delighted to welcome Eurocall back to the UK in 2011. The conference will take place on the Jubilee Campus in the city of Nottingham and will be hosted by the School of Modern Languages and Cultures.

The theme of the Nottingham conference is “The Call Triangle: student, teacher and institution” and will seek to explore student expectations of the role of technology in their learning, how the teaching profession embraces new developments and the part played by the learning institution in providing a rich learning environment for both students and staff.

The conference is open to anyone interested in e-learning and languages. Delegates to the conference must be current members of EUROCALL or one of their affiliates (CALICO, IALLT).

Learn more at
SourceUniversity of Nottingham
Inputdate2011-06-11 11:36:25
Lastmodifieddate2011-06-11 11:36:25
Expdate2011-09-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2011-06-13 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set