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TitleApril 2011 Issue of Reading in a Foreign Language Available Online
BodyThe April 2011 issue (Volume 23, Number 1) of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) is now online and can be read at

In this issue, Takayuki Nakanishi and Atsuko Ueda begins with a study on the effects of extensive reading and the effect of shadowing after extensive reading. Marianne takes a qualitative perspective in examining what "just to read book" can mean by looking at the talk between a teacher and her students after reading The Cay, and Ying Guo and Alysia Roehrig follows with a look at the roles of general versus second language (L2) knowledge in L2 reading comprehension. Leah Gilner reports on a primer on the General Service List. Scott Crossleym David Allen, and Danielle McNamara examine text readability and intuitive simplification by conducting a comparison study of readability formulas, and finally Irene Kuzborska rounds off this issue by looking at links between teachers' beliefs, practices and research on reading.

This issue also includes two book reviews:
Zahir Mumin reviews Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading by Elizabeth Bernhardt. And Jin Woo reviews Bringing Extensive Reading into the Classroom by Richard Day et al., (Eds.).

In the last section of this issue, Cindy Brantmeier, Stacy Davis and Megan Havard has a feature on Reading in other languages: A bibliography for the scholar-teacher.

Reading in a Foreign Language. RFL 23(1) is now online. 15 Apr 2011.
Inputdate2011-04-17 07:32:11
Lastmodifieddate2011-04-17 07:32:11
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Publishdate2011-04-18 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set