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TitleBeyond the Oregon Trail
From: Julie Gallagher

Free Training and Curriculum for Oregon Teachers

Julie Gallagher
Oregon Uniting Education Committee

With all the budget woes facing Oregon schools, isn't great to know someone's giving something free to our teachers and their students?

On March 6th, middle school teachers from across the state can attend a free training workshop introducing Beyond the Oregon Trail: Oregon's Untold History. Developed by educational experts, this new history curriculum explores the experiences of Native Americans, whites, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos from before statehood through the present day.

Oregon Uniting, a 501(c) (3) non profit, spent two years developing the multicultural curriculum to meet CIM's and Social Science state standards. They are hosting the full day training from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm at the Native Student Community Center at Portland State University. The event is free to any teacher who registers in advance, and every attendee will be provided with a free copy of the curriculum to use in their own classes.

"Many teachers know that there's more to Oregon history than Lewis and Clark and the Oregon Trail, but until now, they haven't had easy access to good materials for teaching that history," says Sue Alperin, chair of Oregon Uniting's Education Committee. "This curriculum makes it easy for teachers to expand the way they teach about our past. Because it focuses on critical thinking skills and understanding people of different cultures, Beyond the Oregon Trail helps teachers prepare students for the Oregon of the twenty-first century."

The training will cover the history included in the curriculum, and present the best strategies for discussing racism in the middle school classroom. "Teaching about race can seem intimidating at first, whether you're teaching an all white class or working with a very diverse group of students," notes Dr. Lois Leveen, an expert on teaching African American and Asian American Studies. "Even the best intentioned teacher may not be sure where to start. That's why the day long training is so wonderful — it gives teachers the support they need to do their jobs well."

For more information:
Contact: Julie Gallagher: 503-331-3922
SourceOregon Uniting Education Committee
Inputdate2004-02-25 12:57:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-02-25 12:57:00
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