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TitleImagining Multilingual Schools
From: OELA Newsline

Imagining Multilingual Schools: An International Symposium on Language in Education
September 30 - October 2, 2004
Teachers College
Columbia University
New York City, NY

Educators and policy makers from around the world will be at Columbia University's Teachers College to share their visions and designs for multilingual schools in the 21st century. All twenty-five speakers for the international symposium, Imagining Multilingual Schools, have been invited to participate. The audience will be limited to 125 to ensure active dialogue among participants.

Among the scholars invited to this symposium are Hugo Baetens-Beardsmore (Belgium), Jasone Cenoz (Basque Country, Spain), Jim Cummins (Canada), Viv Edwards (United Kingdom), Fred Genesee (Canada), Nancy Hornberger (US), Luis Enrique Lopez-Hurtado (Bolivia), Teresa McCarty (US), Ajit Mohanty (India), Tope Omoniyi (Nigeria and UK), Robert Phillipson (Denmark), Richard Ruiz (US), Elana Shohamy (Israel), Josefina Tinajero (US), Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Denmark and Finland), Guadalupe Valdés (Stanford University), Li Wei (United Kingdom). Some of the questions to be addressed include:

* What role does school play in developing students' multilingualism and multilingual literacies?
* How do school systems throughout the world organize themselves to ensure the development of students’ multilingualism?
* What are the differences and commonalities in the multilingual schooling of immigrant students, indigenous peoples, traditional minorities, and majority populations?
* What issues arise as schools develop multilingual educational programs and how do teachers and parents support the development of multilingualism?
* How can we move education for multilingual competence higher up on policy agendas?

There will also be special panels and cultural events. In addition, New York City offers its multilingual energy and creativity as the backdrop to the symposium.

The symposium is being co-chaired by Professors Ofelia García and María Torres-Guzmán of Columbia University´s Teachers College. It is organized by the Bilingual Education Program and the new Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies (CMLL) of Teachers College, Columbia University. The Center for Applied Linguistics and the National Association for Bilingual Education are co-sponsoring the event with Teachers College. Multilingual Matters is offering support.

For further information, visit:
SourceColumbia University, NY
Inputdate2004-02-19 20:26:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-02-19 20:26:00
Expdate2004-10-02 00:00:00
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