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TitleVuSafe Allows Teachers To Show YouTube Videos at School

How to use YouTube at school, safely
Free video library service from M86 Security helps teachers show YouTube clips and other video content, without fear of showing inappropriate material
By Dennis Pierce
February 6, 2011

As most teachers know, there’s a lot of great educational content on YouTube—and there’s a lot of inappropriate material, too, from racy images to offensive comments that might sully an otherwise perfectly good video clip.

That’s why many schools block access to YouTube on their networks, which can be frustrating for teachers who want to use YouTube at school.

Now, a new service from internet security company M86 Security aims to solve this problem.

Called VuSafe, it’s a free website that lets educators search for relevant video content from YouTube and other sources, add video clips from these sources to an online library, and then share these clips with their students—without the inappropriate ads, comments, or outside links that might accompany them.

Read the full article at

Teacher Tube also allows teachers to upload and share videos at school:
Read an InterCom article describing this service at

Another similar service is School Tube:
SourceeSchool News
Inputdate2011-02-19 07:04:26
Lastmodifieddate2011-02-19 07:04:26
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Publishdate2011-02-21 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set