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TitleU.S Will Be the Country With the Most Spanish-Speakers in 2050, Says Scholar

U.S Will Be the Country With the Most Spanish-Speakers in 2050, Says Scholar
February 1, 2011

By 2050, 10 percent of the world population will speak Spanish and the United States will be the biggest Spanish-speaking country, the general secretary of the Association of Spanish Language Academies said Monday in this Mediterranean city.

Cuban writer and academician Humberto López Morales made this prediction during his speech upon being awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Valencia at a ceremony presided over by Spanish Education Minister Angel Gabilondo.

If the forecast is born out, the United States by 2050 will become the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and Spanish will be the second-most-spoken language on the planet, surpassed only by Chinese.

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SourceLatino Fox News
Inputdate2011-02-19 06:56:20
Lastmodifieddate2011-02-19 06:56:20
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2011-02-21 00:00:00
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