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TitleCall for Papers: NYS TESOL’s Idiom

Dear ESL colleagues,

You can be a part of an upcoming issue of Idiom so please submit an article for consideration.

You do not have to be a NYS TESOL member to submit an article--I know many on our listserv members are from out of state and other countries. However, if you would like to join this professional organization go to

The upcoming Idiom themes and submission guidelines are listed below:

· The theme of the spring 2011 issue of Idiom is “Test Prep.” The deadline is March 1, 2011.
This is really an open theme--from teaching students how to take a test, to outstanding lessons that prepare students for every day skills in English (which students are actually tested on), to prep for testing on even teacher exams. Of course we will be preparing for the end-of-the term testing but you can address this topic in many ways. How do you prepare your students?

· The theme of the summer 2011 issue of Idiom is “Internet Resources.” The deadline is May 15, 2011.
Any theme relating to the Internet has always produced a very popular issue. Get those ideas together--Web sites, blog sites, Wikis, etc. and send them to me. Your TESOL colleagues will appreciate the ideas.

· The theme of the fall 2011 issue of Idiom is “Conversations.” The deadline is August 15, 2011.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing--this theme encompasses all skill areas and all age levels.

I am now accepting articles for any of these issues/themes.

Submission Guidelines
The editors welcome articles as well as reactions to articles. All copy (typed, double- spaced, 200-1200 words) should follow APA guidelines and should be submitted via e-mail (MS Word). Please include your name and address (including telephone number and e-mail address, if available), as well as a brief biographical statement. (Anonymous contributions cannot be published.)

Idiom's editorial goals are to be accurate, to maintain the writer's message, content, and style, and to fit the work in the space allotted. Idiom reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and brevity; the editors will consult with contributors regarding major substantive revisions. Articles from Idiom may be reprinted with proper acknowledgment of the source.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Julie Dziewisz, Editor, NYS TESOL Idiom
Idiom at nystesol dot org
NYS TESOL Web site
Inputdate2011-02-12 12:38:26
Lastmodifieddate2011-02-12 12:38:26
Expdate2011-09-15 00:00:00
Publishdate2011-02-14 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set