View Content #123
Contentid | 123 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | National Association for Bilingual Education: A Call for Papers and Presentations |
Body | National Association for Bilingual Education NABE Research and Evaluation SIG A Call for Papers and Presentations Albuquerque, February 4-7 2004 SIG Co-chairs: Maria Estela Brisk and Kathy Escamilla Submission deadline: June 15th, 2003 We encourage researchers, recent doctoral graduates, and teacher- researchers to submit proposals. T Y P E S O F P R E S E N T A T I O N S RESEARCH PAPERS (45 Minutes): A description and/or discussion of research relating to the theory or practice of bilingual education and the development of bilingualism. Emphasis is on empirical research or well documented theoretical/practical perspectives. Also acceptable are critical reviews of literature, policy studies, well-documented historical studies, critiques, etc. Both qualitative and quantitative research from all disciplines are acceptable. The abstract should include the main premise of the paper, a summary of supporting evidence,and the conclusion. TEACHER-RESEARCHER PAPERS (45 Minutes): A description of research relating to bilingual education. Empirical or reflective work by teachers in their classrooms. The abstract should include the main premise of the paper, a summary of supporting evidence, and the conclusion. SYMPOSIA (2 Hours): Panel presentations which provide a forum for a group of scholars, teachers, administrators, politicians, or business and government representatives to discuss specific pedagogical, policy, or research issues from a variety of perspectives with alternative solutions presented.. The abstract should include a description of the topic, along with the names, titles, affiliations and specific contributions to the symposium of each of the presenters. 1. PROPOSAL FORM (attached): Submit TWO (2) copies with all items completed and proofread for publication in program. 2. ABSTRACT: Must submit THREE (3) copies of a 300-word abstract of the presentation for review by readers. Abstracts, except those for symposia, should have NO author identification or affiliation either in the title or in the body of the abstract in order to ensure anonymous review. Abstracts should be typed on one 8-1/2" x 11" paper (one side only). All abstracts should define the title or topic of the presentation, objectives, methodology, significance, and other pertinent information. At the top of the page, state the title/ topic of the presentation and the type of session. (Presentations accepted and delivered are eligible for submission to the NABE Journal of Research and Practice) Presentation Proposal Form A. TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________ (limited to 15 words) B. NAME OF PRESENTER ORGANIZATION STATE Member? 1. 2. 3. 4.. *NOTE: LISTING MORE THAN 3 PRESENTERS IS ALLOWED ONLY FOR 2-HOUR SESSIONS **NABE DOES NOT WAIVE REGISTRATION FEES FOR PRESENTERS. AS A CONDITION OF ACCEPTANCE, ALL SESSION PRESENTERS MUST REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE. C. DESCRIPTION 50-WORD DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLICATION IN THE PROGRAM: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ D. PLACE AN X BEFORE THE TYPE OF PRESENTATION SUBMITTED: [ ] RESEARCH PAPER (45 minutes) [ ] SYMPOSIUM (2 hours) E. CONTACT PERSON (Mailing address of presenter to whom all correspondence should be sent): Print telephone number and email where you can be reached during the summer months. First name: _____________________Last name: ___________________________ Affiliation: __________________________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ |
Source | NABE Research and Evaluation SIG |
Inputdate | 2003-05-12 13:13:00 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2003-05-12 13:13:00 |
Expdate | 2003-06-15 00:00:00 |
Publishdate | Not set |
Displaydate | Not set |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 1 |