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TitleArticle: Aligning Language and Culture Learning with Non-Language Majors through Study Abroad

Aligning Language and Culture Learning with Non-Language Majors through Study Abroad
David Wright
November 2010

One of the challenges in the field of second language education is making foreign languages and intercultural knowledge and skills relevant to all parts of a student’s academic and postgraduate life. Many institutions approach this challenge from a "seat time" or "cafeteria" perspective -- trying to ensure basic global competency by either (1) establishing minimum foreign language requirements, or (2) encouraging students to study abroad. While these efforts may play a part in fostering intercultural competence, they tend to fall short unless second-language knowledge is woven into the rest of a student's academic and pre-professional career. Students derive global competence from a variety of disparate experiences. As educators it is our responsibility to help them connect the dots of this global education puzzle because without a sense of the interrelationships within the larger educational context, student learning in a global sense is compromised. The Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) consortium ( advances a comprehensive dialogue as well as provides specific strategies for addressing these issues.

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This is the feature article from the November 2011 NCLRC Language Resource newsletter. Access the latest newsletter at
Inputdate2010-11-10 10:58:01
Lastmodifieddate2010-11-10 10:58:01
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Publishdate2010-11-15 00:00:00
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