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TitleArticle: Science Grows on Acquiring New Language

Science Grows on Acquiring New Language
By Sarah D. Sparks
October 22, 2010

Recent studies on how language learning occurs are beginning to chip away at some long-held notions about second-language acquisition and point to potential learning benefits for students who speak more than one language.

New National Science Foundation-funded collaborations among educators, cognitive and neuroscientists, psychologists, and linguists have started to find the evidence to back up the assertion that we can all learn a second language. For example, researchers long thought the window for learning a new language shrinks rapidly after age 7 and closes almost entirely after puberty. Yet interdisciplinary research conducted over the past five years at the University of Washington, Pennsylvania State University, and other colleges suggest that the time frame may be more flexible than first thought and that students who learn additional languages become more adaptable in other types of learning, too.

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SourceEducation Week
Inputdate2010-11-07 04:15:55
Lastmodifieddate2010-11-07 04:15:55
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Publishdate2010-11-08 00:00:00
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