View Content #11938

Content Type1
TitleJapan Outreach Initiative
Call for 2011-2013 JOI Program Hosting Organizations

Jointly administered with The Laurasian Institution (TLI) and CGP, the Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI) program offers a grassroots opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of Japan by sending Japanese individuals to US sites as volunteer coordinators of community outreach activities about Japan.

Host organizations may participate in this program for two consecutive years. Interested sites are requested to notify JOI prior to submitting their applications - by late November, if at all possible. JOI prefers to conduct a site visit before applications are submitted. For program cycle 2011-2013, the deadline for applications for hosting organizations is January 12, 2011.
SourceJapan Foundation
Inputdate2010-10-31 10:16:03
Lastmodifieddate2010-10-31 10:16:03
Expdate2011-01-12 00:00:00
Publishdate2010-11-01 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set