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TitleSRAS Updated Website and Newsletter: Race in Russia
The School of Russian and Asian Studies has released its "heavy" back-to-school newsletter. This year, the focus is on Race in Russia with three interviews from three "expat" ethnic minorities who have lived and worked in Moscow long-term. Each has a different story to tell from a different perspective. They have also a new article on the Chinese immigrant population in Vladivostok and two updated Library entries: Religion in Russia, and Central Asia (where most of Russia's sizeable immigrant population hails).

In other sections, you'll find recipes for Kvass, YouTube videos for Russia's current top movies and music, and a new online test on cases in Russian (you can make an educator account with SRAS and track how your students do!)

SRAS is also excited to announce that at long last their new site is online. Among other things, it offers a new program search engine to make browsing their highly varied and innovative study abroad programs easier.

*The latest newsletter:
*The program search engine:
*The new resources page (everything in one place):

The next newsletter issue will focus on translation as a profession!

Subscriptions to the newsletter are free. Just click "subscribe" in the newsletter section of our homepage and fill out the tiny little form.
Inputdate2010-09-19 07:32:19
Lastmodifieddate2010-09-19 07:32:19
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2010-09-20 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set