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TitleFully Funded Exchange Program with Uruguay
American Councils for International Education is actively recruiting teachers and administrators for the Uruguay-United States Educator Exchange Program, a fully-funded short-term international exchange program, to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunities this program provides. They are looking to fill open positions, and will be accepting applications until October 18, 2010.

The application and further details can be accessed at . This program and others are supported and fully funded through the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by American Councils for International Education. We have other programs accepting applications for the 2010-2011 school year. You can read more about these programs at: .

While in the host country, participants shadow their international colleague, network with educational leaders in the country, and develop joint classroom projects and school partnerships supportable through the program's follow-up grant funds. Through nation-wide competitions, approximately 150 U.S. teachers and principals are selected each year to participate in 2-3 week exchange programs in the host countries. Additionally, the program brings approximately 150 international teachers and principals for 2-3 week programs to be hosted by schools across the United States.

For more specific questions about the Uruguay program or any others, please contact the program staff at

Johnson, L. CLTA News Flash - September 12, 2010. CLTA (, 12 Sep 2010).
Inputdate2010-09-19 07:26:47
Lastmodifieddate2010-09-19 07:26:47
Expdate2010-10-18 00:00:00
Publishdate2010-09-20 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set