View Content #11717

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TitleTEFLclips: Ideas for Using Video in a Language Classroom

The phenomenon of video sharing in general and YouTube in particular is currently asserting its influence on news, politics, law, music, entertainment, advertising and many other areas of society. For the language teacher, YouTube may be the single best source of material the classroom has ever seen.

This website has been set up in order to address some of these questions. Through a series of lesson plans and teaching ideas, the aim is to explore the possibilities for the use of sites such as YouTube in education with a special emphasis on language teaching.

As a sideline to the lesson plans and teaching ideas - which will be posted on a weekly basis - a large list of links to useful or notable videos is being compiled (see Clips Bank) as well as a section which looks at technical aspects such as how to download or ‘capture’ YouTube videos so that they can be stored on a memory stick and taken into class (see How to).

The website is available at
Inputdate2010-09-12 11:24:14
Lastmodifieddate2010-09-12 11:24:14
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2010-09-13 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set