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TitleArticle: Are American Friendships Superficial?

Are American Friendships Superficial?
Why do many immigrants consider American friendships superficial?
By Jefferson Fish
September 7, 2010

I was speaking to a German woman who has lived in the United States for a decade and has made it her permanent home. She was describing her likes and dislikes about the U.S. in comparison to Germany. For example, on the positive side, she was enthusiastic about the opportunities for work and advancement she had found here based on her skills and accomplishments--as opposed to Germany where an insistence on the right credentials is often insurmountable. On the negative side, however, she complained that American friendships are superficial.

She also described a misunderstanding with a co-worker, who referred to her as a friend. "You're not my friend," she said. "You're an acquaintance. We go out for coffee together and chat about things. That's not friendship." The woman was offended--not surprisingly. Telling someone in the U.S. "You're not my friend," is tantamount to saying "You're my enemy." It took quite a while for her to overcome this misstep.

What is going on here?

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SourcePsychology Today
Inputdate2010-09-12 11:15:26
Lastmodifieddate2010-09-12 11:15:26
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2010-09-13 00:00:00
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