View Content #1162

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TitleEndangered Language Fund (ELF) Proposals
From: Endangered Language Fund (

The Endangered Language Fund, which provides small grants for language
maintenance and linguistic field work, is now requesting proposals for
its 2004 round of grants.

The work most likely to be funded is that which serves both the native
community and the field of linguistics. Work which has immediate
applicability to one group and more distant application to the other
will also be considered. Publishing subventions are a low priority,
although they will be considered. Proposals can originate in any
country. The language involved must be in danger of disappearing
within a generation or two. Endangerment is understood to be a
continuum, and the location on the continuum is one factor in ELF's
funding decisions.

Eligible expenses include consultant fees, tapes, films, travel, etc.
Overhead is not allowed. Grants are normally for one year periods,
though extensions may be applied for. Grants in this round are
expected to be less than $4,000 in size, and to average about $2,000.

There is no application form, but the information requested below
should be provided in four copies.

(1) The first page should contain:

--title of the project
--name of language; country in which it is spoken
--name of primary researcher
--address (with phone and e-mail if possible)
--Social Security number (if US citizen)
--place and date of birth
--present position, education, and native language(s)
--previous experience and/or publications that are relevant.

The same information should be provided for collaborating researchers,
if any. This information may continue onto a second page.

(2) Beginning on a separate page, provide a description of the project.
This should normally take two pages, single spaced, but the maximum is
five pages. Be detailed about the type of material that is to be
collected and/or produced, and the value it will have to the native
community (including relatives and descendants who do not speak the
language) and to linguistic science. Give a brief description of the
state of endangerment of the language in question.

(3) On a separate page, prepare an itemized budget that lists expected
costs for the project. Estimates are acceptable, but they must be
realistic. Please translate the amounts into US dollars. List other
sources of support you are currently receiving or expect to receive
and other applications that relate to the current one.

Two letters of support are recommended, but not required. Note that
these letters, if sent separately, must arrive on or before the deadline
(April 20th, 2004) in order to be considered. If more than two letters
are sent, only the first two received will be read.

A researcher can be primary researcher on only one proposal.

Applications should be printed (on one side only) and **four copies**
mailed to:

The Endangered Language Fund
Dept. of Linguistics
Yale University
P. O. Box 208366
New Haven, CT 06520-8366

The street address for express mail services is:

The Endangered Language Fund
Department of Linguistics
370 Temple Street
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06511

Applications must be mailed in. No e-mail or fax applications will
be accepted. Please note that regular mail, especially from abroad,
can take up to four weeks.

Applications must be received by **April 20th, 2004**. Decisions will
be delivered by the end of May, 2004. Receipt of application will be
made by e-mail if an email address is given. Otherwise, the applicant
must include a self-addressed post-card in order to receive the
Inputdate2004-01-28 12:35:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-01-28 12:35:00
Expdate2004-04-20 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set