View Content #1151

Content Type1
TitleLecturer/Coordinator in French
From: "LLTI-Editor"

This is to bring to your attention the advertisement, which has been
placed on the MLA Job Information List (online) and on Berkeley's Web

Lecturer [1939]
Pending budgetary approval, the Department of French at UC Berkeley
seeks to hire a full-time Lecturer in French language and pedagogy.
Duties will include coordination of our 2nd-year French language
courses, assistance in the supervision of graduate teaching
assistants, and teaching assignments that will include undergraduate
language instruction and graduate pedagogy seminars. Initial
appointment, which would begin July 1, 2004, is for one year and may
be renewed on a one-year basis. We seek candidates with superior
pedagogical qualifications, expertise in the creation of
instructional materials, prior experience in supervising teaching
assistants, and a commitment to teaching French language, literature,
and culture at all levels. Experience and strong interest in
developing and using technology for language teaching is preferred.
Superior level of spoken and written French required. Ph. D. in hand
preferred. Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
Apply by sending a letter, CV, and three letters of recommendation to
Francoise Sorgen-Goldschmidt, Chair of the Lecturer Search Committee,
Department of French, 4125 Dwinelle Hall, University of California,
Berkeley CA 94720-2580, to be received by January 23, 2004.
Applications should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope; those
without supporting documents will not be acknowledged. The University
of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

Francoise Sorgen-Goldschmidt
Senior Lecturer
French Department #2580
4125 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley CA 94720-2580
Office Phone: (510) 642 2182
Dept. Phone: (510) 642 2712
Dept. Fax (NEW): (510) 642-8852
SourceUC Berkeley
Inputdate2004-01-23 15:37:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-01-23 15:37:00
Expdate2004-01-24 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set