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TitleArticle: Arrests Add More Woes to Yemen's Arabic Language Schools

Arrests add more woes to Yemen's Arabic language schools
by Mira Baz
June 11, 2010

In the weeks following the failed December attack on a US airliner, Mohammad al-Anisi switched off the news. It was too stressful, he said. His institute was suddenly overrun by journalists and constantly in the spotlight.

It was put there by Omar Farouq Abdul Muttalib, the Nigerian member of Al-Qaeda who carried out the attack and who had enrolled at Al-Anisi’s Sanaa Institute for the Arabic Language (SIAL), only to later disappear and re-emerge on the Christmas-day flight headed to Detroit.

As a result of both the December attack and the stricter visa measures, language schools have seen their enrollments drop significantly in recent months as prospective students have been either frightened away by Yemen’s news or have scrapped previous plans to join summer programs. SIAL is now operating at less than half its capacity, down from 90 students in December, Anisi said.

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
SourceDaily Star, Lebanon
Inputdate2010-07-03 06:09:58
Lastmodifieddate2010-07-03 06:09:58
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Publishdate2010-07-05 00:00:00
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