View Content #1133

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TitleFree Registration for Online Sessions
From: OELA Newsletter

[Source: ESL MiniConference Quick News Alert] Electronic Village (EV) Online Sessions 2004 run from January 26 to March 5, 2004. Registration will be accepted January 12-26, 2004.

The EV Online sessions are held before the TESOL Convention and some in conjunction with Interest Section Academic Sessions or Strands. However, membership in TESOL is not necessary, nor attendance at TESOL 2004, to take part.

The following sessions will be offered:

* English for everybody; all gain, no loss? -- moderators: Professor Ulrich Bliesener, Jane Hoelker, Joyce Kling, Keiko Abé-Ford, Christine Coombe, Valerie S. Jakar
* Real English Online Video - moderators: Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, Michael Marzio
* TESOL Drama Presents: Let's Put on a Play - moderators: Nigel Caplan, Gary Carkin, Judy Trupin
* Becoming a Webhead - moderators: Dafne Gonzalez, Teresa Almeida d'Eça, Susanne Nyrop, Maria Jordano
* Creating interactive online language lessons with Macromedia Flash MX - moderator: Marmo Soemarmo
* Assessing and Teaching Oral Communication Skills - moderators: Rebecca Dauer, Christine Parkhurst
* A Basic Workshop for using the Internet in class - moderator: JoAnn Miller
* Creating and using weblogs in ESL/EFL - moderators: Anne Davis, Sandy Peters, Aaron Campbell, Joe Luft

For registration information and session descriptions, visit:
Inputdate2004-01-23 14:30:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-01-23 14:30:00
Expdate2004-01-26 00:00:00
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