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TitleRussian Flagship Center at the University of Wisconsin - Madison
There is a new undergraduate Russian Flagship Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. The UW-Madison Russian Flagship offers a challenging Russian language and culture curriculum that aims to enable highly motivated undergraduate students of all majors to achieve a Superior level of proficiency in Russian on the ACTFL scale (ILR 3). The program welcomes applications from undergraduates from all majors and at all levels of proficiency in Russian who wish to attain professional-level competence in Russian.

Financial aid is available for Flagship students on the Russian Overseas Flagship Program, and for intensive summer study in the United States and abroad.

Students can begin the pre-Flagship track at any point, from first-year Russian to a more advanced level. Heritage speakers, that is, students who grew up in Russian-speaking families but have been educated primarily in English, are also encouraged to apply.

Applications for the Flagship program are accepted each year by 15 October and 1 March. Applications will be available starting 1 June 2010. A website for the program will be up soon.

For further information about NSEP Flagship programs in Russian and other critical languages throughout the US, see .

Specific information about the program at UW is available at
Inputdate2010-04-04 09:29:33
Lastmodifieddate2010-04-04 09:29:33
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2010-04-05 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set