View Content #1087

Content Type1
TitleSuperintendent's Update #1
From: "CHOY Andrew H"

1. Class of 2003's CIM Numbers Increase
2. Closing the Achievement Gap Conference
3. ODE Internship Program
4. Susan's Schedule


1. Class of 2003's CIM Numbers Increase
Gene Evans, Director of Communications

Superintendent Susan Castillo announced that a record number of Oregon students earned a Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM), and expects the rising trend to continue. In 2003, 28.5% of Oregon's graduating seniors earned a CIM - up from 27% last year and 24% in 2001.

The report showed 36,696 students completed high school in 2003, one of the largest graduating classes in state history. Of all the graduates, 28.5% (10,494) received a diploma with a CIM, meaning they met all state standards in writing, math, reading, science, and public speaking. Another 60% (21,972) received a regular diploma without a CIM. Last year, 2.6% (970) received a modified diploma, given to students in special education programs, and 1% (478) received an honorary diploma, usually given to foreign exchange students. Finally, 7.5% (2,782) completed four years of high school, but did not receive a diploma and did not drop out; these students generally fell a credit or two short of meeting graduation requirements and planned to finish over the summer or during the following school year. Drop out numbers will be available for release next month.

"The good news is that more students than ever before are demonstrating high levels of proficiency," Castillo said. "The bad news is that the improvement is not shared by all students - another clear indicator that the achievement gap in Oregon is real. What this report can provide in the future is another way for us to gauge progress as we focus on one of my priorities - bringing minority and disadvantaged student performance up to the high levels of proficiency we know can be achieved."

For access to the 2003 "High School Completers" and "High School Completers by Gender and Race" reports, go to <>. For more information on the Certificate of Initial Mastery, go to <>.

The Oregon Department of Education provides leadership in statewide curriculum programs, school improvement efforts, and statewide assessment testing. In addition, the Department acts as a liaison and monitors implementation for a variety of state and federal programs. Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo provides statewide leadership for all elementary and secondary students in Oregon's 199 public school districts and 20 education service districts. Her responsibility also extends to public preschool programs, the state Schools for the Blind and the Deaf, regional programs for children with disabilities and education programs in Oregon youth corrections facilities.

2. Closing the Achievement Gap Conference
Ralph Wisner
Applications for 'Call for Presentations' are now on the ODE website at: <>

Are you an educator in Oregon that has developed programs/techniques that have increased the achievement of all students? Do you have data to show how you have "closed the gap"? If so, then you would be the perfect presenter for the Closing the Achievement Gap Conference. This conference will showcase success stories of teachers, schools, or districts that have successfully closed the achievement gap within Oregon. We want to promote these successes and share them with others in the hopes that attendees will walk away from this event with solid concrete tools that they can implement in their school system immediately.
'Call for Presentation' applications are due next Friday January 16th.
Inputdate2004-01-15 15:01:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-01-15 15:01:00
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