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TitleArticle: Start-ups Aim to Help You Learn a Language without Breaking the Bank

Start-ups aim to help you learn a language without breaking the bank
By Scott Kirsner
December 20, 2009

Along with losing 20 pounds, learning to parlare Italiano or sprechen Deutsch is apparently high on the list of New Year’s resolutions for many people.

“Learning a language is kind of like getting a gym membership or a NordicTrack,’’ says Christopher O’Donnell, director of product management for Transparent Language Inc. “Jan. 1 is our biggest sales day of the year.’’

As with many businesses moving from the physical world to the virtual, there’s a cloud of confusion hovering over price: How much should it cost to become fluent in French? Berlitz charges $499 a year for its eBerlitz Fusion program, introduced last April, which includes online exercises and live group review sessions run by an instructor over the Web. Rosetta Stone, best known for its CD sets sold at mall kiosks and in airports, introduced TOTALe in July. It combines independent exercises, review sessions, and an online community of fellow learners: Unlimited access is $999 per year.

But start-ups and companies such as Transparent, which has 75 employees, theorize that a much bigger market of language learners exists - if the price is right.

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SourceBoston Globe
Inputdate2010-01-07 10:06:35
Lastmodifieddate2010-01-07 10:06:35
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Publishdate2010-01-11 00:00:00
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