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TitleArticle: Sikhs Strive to Keep Punjabi Alive

Sikhs strive to keep language alive
By Jonah Owen Lamb
January 3, 2010

The Sikh scriptures and the Punjabi language of many Sikhs were written in a script known as Gurmukhi. So to be fully initiated into the religion, you must know how to read it.

That has created a problem for the Sikh community of Livingston. Their children, many of whom speak only English, aren't able to understand the temple's priests -- let alone some of their own family members.

The problem, increasingly common in many Sikh communities, is threatening to create a cultural, linguistic and religious divide between generations, said several local Sikhs and the Sikh media. It's also a threat to the continuance of the religion among second- and third-generation Sikhs.

But since April, because of the effort of a group of Sikhs in Livingston, 50 to 60 children have been taking weekly Punjabi classes.

Read the full article at
SourceFresno Bee
Inputdate2010-01-07 10:05:20
Lastmodifieddate2010-01-07 10:05:20
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2010-01-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set