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TitleArticle: Love of Latin Leads to Leadership

Richmond teen heads national Latin group
Love of language led to leadership role
By Jim Warren
October 14, 2009

Anyone who thinks that studying Latin might not be relevant in the 21st century should spend a few minutes talking with Madison County's Jacob Welch.

"Something like 60 percent of the English language is taken from Latin," Welch says. "Plus, you have all of the history and culture of Rome and Greece, and the philosophy and ideas that came from that time. It's fascinating stuff to learn about."

Welch is not just a top Latin scholar at Madison Central. Shortly before the school year began, he was elected president of the National Junior Classical League, a nationwide organization of junior and senior high school students dedicated to encouraging interest in and study of the language, literature and culture of ancient Rome and Greece.

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SourceLexington Herald-Leader
Inputdate2009-11-22 09:20:48
Lastmodifieddate2009-11-22 09:20:48
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Publishdate2009-11-23 00:00:00
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