View Content #1027

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Title2004 Summer Seminars and Institutes for School Teachers
From: "Keiko Schneider"

2004 Summer Seminars and Institutes for School Teachers

Each year NEH offers teachers opportunities to study humanities topics in a variety of Summer Seminars and Institutes. The dates and duration of each project are listed under each title. The application deadline is March 1, 2004.

Full-time teachers in American K-12 schools, whether public, private, or church-affiliated, are eligible to apply to seminars and institutes.

All teachers selected to participate in a seminar or institute will be awarded a stipend of $2,800, $3,250, or $3,700 (depending on the length of the seminar or institute) to help cover travel costs, books and other research expenses, and living expenses.

How to Apply
Please send or e-mail a request for application information and expanded project descriptions to the seminar and institute directors listed here. When doing so, please include your regular mailing address since directors may send application material through the mail. You may request information about as many projects as you like, but you may apply to no more than one project. The application deadline is March 1, 2004 (postmark).

Please direct all questions concerning individual seminars and institutes as well as all requests for application materials to the appropriate director. General questions concerning the National Endowment for the Humanities' Seminars and Institutes Program may be directed to 202-606-8463 or e-mail:

Inputdate2004-01-02 13:58:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-01-02 13:58:00
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